The Grand Kerala Shopping Festival embarked its version-4 from December 1, 2010 - January 15, 2011. The thrills and fancies of this diverse land would be open to the world..
The Sarees of Kasargod, Bakel Fort, Handwoven textiles of Kannur, Payyannur Pavithra Mothiram, Theyyam, Thira etc. To each district, its own products, such is the extravaganza of this shopping festival.
A Government of Kerala initiative to augment the trade and commerce of the State and also to transform the State into a hub for International Shopping experience.
The shopping extravaganza - Grand Kerala Shopping Festival, is a Government of Kerala initiative. The version-4 of the shopping festival is all poised to turn Kerala in to a BIG shopping mall. The event has been conceived and organized to give a big leap for the trade and commerce in Kerala.
The shopping extravaganza - Grand Kerala Shopping Festival, is a Government of Kerala initiative. The version-4 of the shopping festival is all poised to turn Kerala in to a BIG shopping mall. The event has been conceived and organized to give a big leap for the trade and commerce in Kerala.
The festival first started on 2007 Dec 1 to next year Jan 15, celebrated as Grand Kerala Shopping Festival and since then it became an annual shopping festival. The event lasts for 46 days and the very special fact about GKSF is that the entire Kerala is participating in this festival.
Below are some links which updates you about all the roaring of the festival -
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